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Next Meeting

Wednesday 9th October
Skateraw Hall, Newtonhill

Local Place Plan

Local Place Plans are community-led plans setting out proposals for the development and use of land. Introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, these plans will set out a community’s aspirations for its future development. Once completed and then registered by the planning authority, they are to be taken into account in the preparation of the next Local Development Plan. Aberdeenshire Council has set a deadline of the end of 2024 for the Community Council to submit our Local Place Plan.

In order for us to create this plan, we would like to encourage all residents of the community council area to include their own thoughts and aspirations. It is important to consider not only what changes we would like to see, but also what should not be changed. We have devised a list of questions that we feel are particularly relevant, but feel free to add anything else. Make sure that your views are included.

  1. In keeping with our policy from previous years, the Community Council intends to reject any more housing land allocations, for Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore, in the next Local Development Plan. We have followed the wishes of residents by supporting development at Chapelton as it already has planning permission for 4045 homes. Do you agree with this position?
  2. How do you feel about secondary school pupils from Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore attending Mackie Academy rather than Portlethen Academy?
  3. Does the green space in and around Newtonhill, Muchalls and Cammachmore need protecting against development?
  4. Do you want a railway station opened in Newtonhill? Would you use it?
  5. How do you feel about a coastal walking and cycling path between Stonehaven and Portlethen?
  6. What new amenities would you like to have in Newtonhill, Muchalls, and/or Cammachmore?
  7. How would you feel about a Co-wheels style carshare scheme operating from Newtonhill?
  8. Do you feel there are enough shops in Newtonhill, should more places be created?

Please send your comments and suggestions to